Chemical peel treatment today has become a common procedure as it is spectacular and effective in managing several issues affecting most people. You can also get a customized procedure at A Beautiful You Medical Spa, a Memphis aesthetic medical spa. This makes it more effective by addressing your unique needs, whether you need to manage your cystic acne, discoloration, complexion, age spots, fine lines, or rough skin. However, as you decide to seek the treatment, there are several things you need to keep in mind.
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Chemical Peels Come in Different Levels and Strengths
Note that chemical peel treatment will vary depending on the nature of your condition to be treated. For instance, cystic acne treatment involves the use of a chemical solution that varies in strength. Some people may require mild chemical peel while others require strong peels, depending on their case’s uniqueness. Although most people get the results they desire with a mild chemical peel, your provider should examine your condition and verify the type of chemical peel you need. That is why it is important to seek only experienced providers.
The Procedure is Pretty Fast
If you are not sure whether to take a day off from work for your procedure, note that it might not be necessary. A typical chemical peel procedure does not take much time and can be done within ten minutes, including all the preparations and post-care procedures. This means that you can get to your provider between your busy schedule, maybe during the lunch hour, and you will receive your treatment procedure. However, the time taken depends on the treatment area.
You Need to Prepare
When you are considering a chemical peel procedure, preparation is important. Ensure that you ask your provider critical questions about your preparations in your consultation appointment, and they will give you special instructions for the same. You will be required to prepare a day before your procedure or begin the preparations forty-eight hours before. You will be advised against any abrasive exfoliating product to avoid any further damage to your skin.
Note that facials can enhance your results, and you can use them before your procedure to remove impurities.
You Can Expect Some Discomfort
Although the intensity of the discomfort varies from one person as what hurts one may not hurt the other, expect some stinging or burning sensations during the procedure. However, it should not be painful. Should the discomfort become unbearable, it is good to speak to your provider for the necessary adjustments to be made. The entire procedure should be comfortable for you.
Be Ready for Little Downtime
The chemical peel involves peeling off your skin’s top layer, which can have some mild effects, such as redness. This can take some time to heal. Therefore, it would be better to go for the procedure several days or weeks before your big event.
Your Aftercare is Vital
Although chemical peel is a great procedure that can improve your skin appearance, you should take your aftercare seriously because it will affect how long your results will last. You need to take care of your skin very well by avoiding direct sunlight exposure, avoiding makeup, and wearing sunscreen. Follow the aftercare instructions from your provider strictly.
Chemical peel treatment is an excellent treatment option for your skin condition. Be sure to note these items, and you will be well prepared for the procedure. Call A Beautiful You Medical Spa today to make an appointment with a specialist.