
How to manage emotions inside your team?

As a boss or a manager, how do you manage emotions within your team? It’s about your own emotions but also those of your employees.

Are you perhaps one of those people who consider that emotions have no place in the professional world and a true professional is not overwhelmed by emotions and knows how to manage stress?

Not everyone is capable of a positive mindset when it comes to deep emotions.

How do you react when you express your emotions?

Maybe you are a person who is embarrassed by the expression of emotions and does not know how to react.

Many employees, managers, or officials have received training for organizations to manage better their emotions, when they are speaking in public, for example.

Wellbeing at work means more than a positive mindset or productivity improvement.

Ignoring emotions is like ignoring physical pain:

Imagine that you have tooth pain and, instead of making an appointment with the dentist, ignore this signal. The pain is getting more severe. What started as a simple tooth decay turned into an abscess. There is still time to react. Instead, you continue to pretend that there is no problem. During this time, the abscess continues its evolution and infects your jaw, risking sepsis.

Emotions are internal manifestations similar to physical pain for our body. There are signals, messages that draw attention to our needs.

Every unpleasant emotion shows that there is something that demands my attention, that I have an unmet need. If I ignore the message, the emotion comes back stronger and stronger, like a toothache. If I still do nothing, my body will react to headaches, back pain, sleep problems, indigestion, and more.

Emotions are gifts:

Ignoring or failing to deal with emotions at work causes serious damage to any business. Employees or managers who have not completed communication training are not aware that the expression of emotions is positive, as it brings wellbeing and calms incipient conflicts.

So it’s good to know something about emotions.


When we are happy, we are in the right place. Our inner intuition tells us to go straight. What we go through, suits us. Joy tells us that our needs in general and our relationship needs, in particular, are met. If you identify the needs of your employees, what gives them joy and energy boost at work, and then prioritize them in these tasks, your company will have motivated, highly efficient … and happy employees.

Anger, sadness, and fear:

Some people talk about positive and negative emotions. There are no negative emotions. Any emotion is a message, so a gift. Specialists are talking about pleasant emotions (joy) and unpleasant emotions. There are a lot of unpleasant emotions, but the vast majority of them are still a combination of three basic emotions: anger, sadness, and fear.

Every emotion speaks to me about my needs:

Fear is the messenger of three needs: security, preparation, and clarity. These three needs are not always present together.

Sadness speaks to me about my need for love in a broad sense and its three components: to be loved, to love others, and to love yourself. In the professional context, love comes in the form of kindness, friendship, fulfilled relationships between colleagues.

Anger tells me that more must be accomplished:

  • Respect: I do not respect myself or I do not feel respected by others;
  • Justice: I have a feeling of injustice in the situation where I am.
  • Recognition: what I do, my work, everything I give is not recognized and valued;
  • Consideration: I am not considered for what I am.

Satisfy your needs:

We often put ourselves in the position of a victim, we complain about our situation, we complain in the hope that others will come and satisfy our needs. But being an adult is also being responsible for your own needs. Everyone is responsible for their own needs.

If you are responsible for a team of employees, your emotions and those of your collaborators are therefore messages that should be treated like any other verbal or written request.

Manage your own emotions first. Then, help your employees take care of theirs, listen to them, find their needs, and express concrete requests to meet their needs.

If you need training, follow the course for companies and the complete training plan for employees at JoyCorporate Academy, to better manage your emotions.

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