People get drooping eyelids due to insufficient sleep or an underlying eye infection. It may last a few days as long as you have plenty of rest or get antibiotics, but if it continues to persist and impairs your vision to a point where you cannot see clearly, you could be battling a condition known as ptosis. If you look in the mirror every time and notice your eyes look lazy or sleepy, it would be best to see a specialist for ptosis in Peoria to evaluate your condition.
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How does ptosis develop?
Ptosis is an eye condition that affects your upper eyelid tissues. As you keep aging, your eyelids’ skin loses elasticity, and the muscles lose their strength. While other lifestyle habits may worsen the condition, it is unclear what causes it. If you wonder what the risk factors for ptosis are, the Arizona Ocular & Plastic Surgery team has gathered a few facts to widen your understanding.
1. Age is not the only risk factor for ptosis
Ptosis is common in people around the age of 40 and over. However, that does not mean anyone below that age is immune to it. While age is the leading cause of ptosis, you can still develop the condition due to an eye injury or prolonged use of eyeglasses to correct vision problems.
2. You may develop ptosis if your eyelid muscles degenerate
The levator muscle, which is in the eyelids, is responsible for lifting your eyelids. For you to be diagnosed with ptosis, it means your levator muscles have outlived their usefulness. Lifting your eyelids becomes a heavy task and may sometimes prevent your eyes from staying fully open.
3. Babies can also develop it at birth
Some babies develop ptosis right after birth due to prematurely developed levator muscles.
4. Ptosis can cause vision problems
The pupil is a small circular-shaped part of your eye responsible for allowing vision. If your eyelids cover your pupils, seeing objects or having a perfect vision can be daunting. If it gets to a point where you need to tilt your head to have a sharp focus, it might be best to see an eye doctor.
5. Ptosis can be corrected through surgery
After an ophthalmologist diagnoses you for ptosis, they may recommend that you go for surgery to elevate your eyelid muscles. Afterward, your doctor will prescribe an eye drop along with other medications to relieve your pain after surgery.
Coping with life after ptosis surgery
As is expected of all surgery procedures, your recovery process matters greatly. Your doctor may ask you to take a few days off work and avoid anything that may come in contact with your eyes. You can expect an improvement after seven days or more, depending on how well you respond to your post-surgery treatments.
If you or someone you know is having vision problems or facing difficulty while performing basic tasks due to ptosis, find out your options for surgery. To learn more about ptosis, schedule a consultation with your ophthalmologist today.