
Benefits of Visiting an Otolaryngologist

We all know that you should see a doctor for every ailment. This is probably because doctors see the body better than anyone else, and they’re trained to diagnose and treat a wide variety of diseases. We can say the same about otolaryngologists. They specialize in the human anatomy’s ear, nose, throat, and head/neck regions. Finding competent experts is crucial. Book an appointment with Dr. Alexis Furze. In this blog post, I’ll share with you some benefits of visiting an otolaryngologist.

Nasal and Breathing Surgery

Most people don’t like nasal surgery. One, there’s the nose itself (not to be confused with the septum), which is a sensory organ that controls our ability to breathe and smell. So if you mess around with it too much, it may affect your breathing or smelling abilities, and you’ll likely suffer some pain as well.

Second, it’s a bloody procedure that requires you to stay at home for a few days. However, the benefits of nasal surgery are well worth the trouble. These include breathing with fewer struggles thanks to your new airwaves and diminished sinus issues.

Post-Nasal Drips

Most people with nasal problems are familiar with post-nasal drip: that mucous that drips down the back of your throat when you lay down. Although most will experience it after a viral infection, experiencing a post-nasal bubble daily is one of the early signs of sinus problems.

It may come as a result of excessive drainage of mucous from the sinus cavities, which leads to a reduction in your ability to taste and smell. If left untreated, this can lead to much more severe problems such as osteomyelitis.

Solution for Deviated Septum?

If you’ve got a deviated septum, you’re likely familiar with the discomfort that comes with it. One of the most common symptoms is nasal obstruction–a condition in which there is an inward or outward movement of either one or both sides of your nose. This will then change how the air travels into your nose and lungs, resulting in difficulty breathing and a stuffy nose.

Sinusitis Treatment

Sinus infections are no picnic. Their symptoms include facial pain, toothache, fever, insomnia, fatigue, and swollen nasal passages. Although you can treat them with OTC (over-the-counter) medications like Tylenol or aspirin, it’s prudent to see a qualified otolaryngologist.

This is because sinusitis can lead to more severe meningitis, facial paralysis, and even blindness. You’ll get guidance on how best to adjust your lifestyle to be safe from future sinusitis.


Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that corrects the function and appearance of your septum: the cartilage partition in your nose. It’ll be performed by an otolaryngologist if you experience nasal obstruction (when your nose is too blocked to allow air in or out) or a deviated septum. The procedure takes about an hour to complete, and the recovery period is about two weeks.

Anterior Rhinoplasty

This surgical procedure corrects visible imperfections in the nose. Many factors can result in prominent or uneven features, which may affect your self-esteem or self-image. An anterior rhinoplasty will be a worthy option if you want to correct a bump, crookedness, or other deformities in your nose.

Whether you’re looking to breathe easier, experience less post-nasal drip, or fix your deviated septum, an otolaryngologist is the best person for the job. These specialists are trained in all things related to ear, nose, and throat health. After a diagnosis, they’ll know which treatment to suggest.

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